SFTGFOP1 Black Tea, Giddapahar Tea Estate

SFTGFOP1 Black Tea, Giddapahar Tea Estate

Giddapahar Clonal Wonder, from the first flush of Darjeeling whole leaf tea, is a secret treasure in the world ’s finest category of tea! This SFTGFOP1 Black Tea made with love has a flavour similar to cherries and oak. It contains a moderate amount of caffeine and is...
Apple Hibiscus Blackberry Tea

Apple Hibiscus Blackberry Tea

With additional health advantages and the mouthwatering flavour of blackberries, this delectable and energising Apple Hibiscus BlackBerry tea is similar to hot apple cider. This gorgeous fruit infusion is a revitalising herbal infusion thanks to the profusion of...
Your Daily Tea: Three Teas For Everyday Use

Your Daily Tea: Three Teas For Everyday Use

We probably all appreciate a hot cup of tea or herbal infusion at least occasionally, if not every day. But what are some of these calming teas’ most significant health advantages? Learn more about the best daily teas for our health by reading on. Thereafter,...
Top Good Morning Tea: Choose From Only Three

Top Good Morning Tea: Choose From Only Three

If your preference for consuming a particular good morning tea is uncertain, then you have come to the right place. At The Floral Teas, specially curated morning teas are available. Some are for providing an energy boost, substituting your coffee and others set you...
Tea Culture Is The Second Best In The World

Tea Culture Is The Second Best In The World

For many people, drinking tea is indeed a culture. Yet why? Why choose to drink tea rather than a beverage like ‘joe’, the rocket fuel? Why prefer different types of tea? This article came into existence out of the black hole. The Black Hole of the given three...