A cup of green tea can liven up your day and have many positive effects on your body. Green teas are loaded with antioxidants that keep your body safe from many illnesses. These benefits include fat burning, improvement of cognitive functions, improved cardiovascular system, metabolism and more.

Promotes Weight Loss

Green teas are a healthy way to maintain good shape. Drinking green tea improves the metabolic process and helps you to reduce weight. The caffeine and catechins in green tea enhance your metabolism and increase fat burning.

Helps Prevent Cancer

You can prevent several types of cancer, such as skin, lung and breast, by drinking green tea. The right number of polyphenols in green tea helps you to fight cancerous cells. People who drink green tea have a lower risk of cancer.

Good for the Heart (Improves cardiovascular system)

Green tea is very beneficial for your heart! People who drink green tea dodge strokes by 20-30%. Drinking green tea is a very little action, but it changes your lifespan and lifestyle.

Lowers Cholesterol Levels

You think maintaining your cholesterol level is hard. By drinking green tea, you can keep your cholesterol in check! Consuming green tea helps you to increase your HDL cholesterol level, which is good for your health and blocks the (oxidation of) bad LDL cholesterol. It even improves artery function!

Helps Control Diabetes

Drinking green tea daily reduces the risk of developing diabetes. It’s beneficial for both type 1 and type 2 diabetes. Green tea helps to control diabetes by controlling blood sugar spikes.

Look Younger

A few cups of green tea daily and you are young again! Drinking green tea daily gives you a fresher look and rejuvenates your skin by flushing out the toxins in your body. It also reduces the UV inflammation in the skin, which helps to reduce skin irritation, skin rashes and swelling.