Produced at a high elevation, the tea of Darjeeling is imbued with a unique muscatel flavour and a special aroma. Those tea estates in the foothills of the Himalayas orthodoxly produce the country’s finest tea in the world. Darjeeling tea is harvested seasonally and is hand cultivated and produced with great care, experience, and expertise. Hence, it is available only for a limited period of time. Even if you’re not a tea drinker, the rare Darjeeling is so interesting that it’s really worth a try. If your main exposure to Darjeeling has been through blended teas, flavourings, or the black bitterness of over-brewing, there is much more to it than you could have imagined.

An Acquaintance with the Darjeeling Flushes

From the first to the last harvest, the general flavour trend is from light and delicate to robust and full-bodied. The second flush from the more mature plant is where the big wine-like flavours come out. But the highly prized first flush, which uses the very youngest leaves, is where you can find some really interesting, delicate, and smooth arboreal-minty-fresh mountain air flavours. Each flush offers a distinctive tonality in these characteristic traits. The teas have an unrivalled metallic brightness in the cup, fragrant aromas, and flavours. They hint of apricots, peaches, muscat grapes, and toasty nuts. Darjeeling’s distinct flavour is a rich legacy of Chinese tea genetics. It is mixed with Indian terroir—plus the intricacies of harvesting and processing. It’s lighter and less astringent than most black teas, but more layered and complex than most greens.

Why It’s Awesome

Mr. Flora says, “I am convinced that these beautifully crafted Chinese teas grown in Indian terroir are not less than the served contrasting vodka and whiskey drinks.” Another feature that sets Darjeeling tea a class apart from the rest is the fact that in today’s day and age, teas are still 100% produced orthodoxly.

Last summer, The Floral Teas travelled across India, visiting many of the estates that produce the organic Indian teas we carry. During the journey, co-founder Mr. Flora visited the Glenburn and Makaibari Tea Estate in Darjeeling. There he had a first-hand look at how the tea cultivators make pure Darjeeling teas. Tea grown in this land of thunder also have many health benefits.

Interested in trying the organic variety of Darjeeling tea flushes?

Visit The Floral teas Online store at .

“First flush tea will unveil all of Darjeeling’s rich and delicate potential, including a true taste of that fresh, damp highland atmosphere (yeah, you really do taste it).”

Orthodox Darjeeling Tea price

The floral teas have an interesting collection of Darjeelings. Their bestsellers like Giddapahar Spl. Black tea (Rs.1159 for 50gms, 20 cups per pouch) and Glenburn moonshine tea (Rs.2350 for 50gms, 20 cups per pouch) are hidden gems in the category of best tea!