Mr. Tea FanZone

You deserve at least one every day

Teas for the caffeine-sensitives

Teas for the caffeine-sensitives

Teas without caffeine are typically thought to somehow be weak. Beyond the standard grocery store choices, meanwhile, is a vast array of flavorful, caffeine-free teas. The secret is to pick loose-leaf teas made with quality herbs and spices. You’ll find anything from...

Best Summer Tea

Best Summer Tea

Representing only about 2% of the tea culture, oolong is well worth discovering. "Hugging a whimsical cup of this brew close to you may immediately lift your spirits. Especially, " Floraltea's mellifluent Oolong" is a pure delight that exhibits a flavor that is earthy...

Pakistan targets Tea!

Pakistan targets Tea!

Tea costs Pakistanis a fortune. Pakistan, being the world’s largest importer, purchased more than 6 million dollars' worth last year. The nation’s low foreign currency reserves, which are currently only enough to cover two months' worth of imports, have put it in...

What is Kashmiri Kahwa and its health benefits?

What is Kashmiri Kahwa and its health benefits?

Kashmiri Kahwa is a traditional beverage from heavenly Kashmir. An aromatic blend of saffron, almonds, rose petals, cinnamon and cardamom that gives you unforgettable flavours. The perfectly balanced blend of sweetness of the rose with healthy spices is well-known...

Live Healthy with Floral Green Teas

Live Healthy with Floral Green Teas

A cup of green tea can liven up your day and have many positive effects on your body. Green teas are loaded with antioxidants that keep your body safe from many illnesses. These benefits include fat burning, improvement of cognitive functions, improved cardiovascular...

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